Forged in 1984.
Proven since the Middle Ages.

Forged in 1984.
Proven since the Middle Ages.

Aluminum Roofing

If you’re currently confronted with the costs of roofing repairs and maintenance, perhaps it’s time to investigate other options.

Designed to Last

Aluminum roofing provides a durable and attractive solution to roof damage. If you’re currently confronted with the costs of roofing repairs and maintenance, perhaps it’s time to investigate other options. Metal roofing like aluminum are not only strong and durable; they’re also composed metal roof shingles that are designed to withstand tough weather conditions while also providing an eye-pleasing exterior.


Spengler Industries delivers more than just metal roofing, though. We are unmatched when it comes to quality materials and long-lasting result. Our products are strategically engineered to be waterproof and maintenance free for the duration of the material’s life. The metal shingle system we use has proven to endure the test of time. Roofs throughout Europe that employed our system still stand to this day, hundreds of years later, with roofs that have grown even stronger since they were initially installed. No other roofing material can make those claims.

Advantages of Aluminum Roof Shingles

If you’re hesitant to begin the road to renovation because of the cost of roof repair, then you’ll be pleased to learn that aluminum roof shingles are the perfect roofing system for budget-conscious individuals or families. There are numerous advantages to purchasing these shingles, including:

Easy on the wallet and easy installation

Not only are aluminum shingles easy on your wallet, but they’re easy to install. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to repair a roof. Our tested and proven interlocking system is easy for anyone to put assemble. We know the value of time and energy, which is why we designed our system of applying the shingles to your roof manageable for the average person.

Any questions?

Call 801-462-5264 for Aluminum Roofing from Spengler Industries

Manufacturing & Cost Friendly

Spengler Industries is a manufacturer of innovative roof cladding systems that help a home to last. Our aluminum roofing shingles—along with our steel, copper and various other metal shingles—are permanent, beautiful and versatile.


Whether you’re looking for a cost-friendly, yet durable roofing alternative, or if your home’s appearance is your priority, our metal roofing supplies are designed to satisfy both needs. Copper metal roofing is another great option for people looking for a sturdy, beautiful roof built to last for decades. If you’re interested in metal roofing supplies, call us for more information.

Spengler Industries