Our roofing and cladding systems are the best choice for environmentally conscious buildings. They are the greenest of selections you can make. Why listen to us? Spengler Industries is staffed…
Custom ProductsStanding Seam RoofingSystems, Metals and FinishesTitaniumZinc Roofing & Wall Cladding Shingles
Historical RestorationStainless SteelTerne Clad Stainless SteelTitaniumZincZinc Roofing & Wall Cladding Shingles
Pure Tin Clad Stainless Versus Zinc/Tin Alloy
by Christina
by Christina
Terne Coated Stainless There is a great deal of hard science in the art of roofing and cladding. We tend to focus more on the engineering of the roofing itself,…
Historical RestorationProjectsTitanium
How do you build a roof that will last for 650 years?
by Christina
by Christina
A650 year old roof? Is that even possible? Well, not only is it possible, it’s PROVEN. How do we know this? We come from a heritage of European master craftsmen.…
American Iron and Steel Institute: https://www.steel.org/ American Society for Testing Material: https://www.astm.org/ Architectural Testing, Inc: https://www.testati.com/ Copper Exclusive: https://www.copperexclusive.com/ International Organization for Standardization: https://www.iso.org National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers:…
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