
Stainless Steel Interlocking Shingles

Stainless Steel Interlocking Shingles

stainless steel roof on a cathedral with steeple

Stainless steel is an ultra-permanent material perfect for roofing and wall cladding and other architectural applications.  It is non-reactive with most metals so it can be easily combined.  It is the ideal metal for coastal building as it is highly resistant to salt spray, and is the ultimate choice for buildings exposed to pollutants and buildings in extreme weather locations.  When installed properly, it can last for centuries regardless of environment.

The picture here on the left shows one of our most beautiful cathedrals clad with Spengler Industries’s interlocking stainless steel shingles.

Stainless steel is every bit at home on traditional architecture as it is on sleek, contemporary design.  All stainless steels are not equal.  Make sure to call us to discuss which alloy will work best for your project. 

An amazing custom application of Stainless Steel!

Let Us Help

Contact us to request a quote or simply ask a question. 

Office phone:  801-462-5264 

 5066 West Amelia Earhart Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84116

We are located in Salt Lake City, Utah – (West of the Salt Lake City international airport.)

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