Forged in 1984.
Proven since the Middle Ages.

Forged in 1984.
Proven since the Middle Ages.

Specialty Snow Systems for Metal Roofs

How are Specialty Snow Systems for Metal Roofs Different?

Safely Insulated

Taking notes from generations before us, we found a natural way to insulate your home. Snow consists primarily of air; so we try to keep it on the roof as much as possible, using Mother Nature to our advantage.

TÜV Certified*

An international organization, TÜV, evaluates the safety of products to protect our environments and people. They establish lofty standards; we are one of only a few in the world who exceed those high expectations. *Technischer Überwachungsverein in German

Matching Colors/Materials

When you invest in a permanent, fine metal roof, you don’t want unattractive accessories ruining the vision. We blend all of the snow abatement accessories to your existing roof using matching colors and materials.

“Einzigartige Metalldächer und Fassaden, die Geschichten erzählen”

We’ve Got Roofing Down to a Science

Spengler Industries’ world class expertise and Old World techniques show in the roofing products we design and manufacture. The mark of an industry leader shows in bravely offering specialized snow abatement systems. Most in our industry shy away from constructing roofs prone to snow shedding.  We, on the other hand, embrace the science in planning a specialized snow guard system. We factor in geographic location, direction facing, snow loads, and the placement and quantity of materials. We guarantee that if you build according to our systems and methods, you will get the successful outcome you desire. How do we know? Our systems have been tested and proven in the harshest climates in the world. We know you can expect a permanent, functional system, no matter how extreme the weather.

Adaptable and Accommodating to Any Roofing System

Seasoned visitors to more remote areas in the Alps instantly will recognize rocks and logs on the roofs as a fairly standard, primitive system to control the snow. Indigenous people knew that during frigid Alpine winters, the more snow you had on your roof, the warmer your home. They prevented snow avalanches and enjoyed an instantly warmer house! The basic principles remain the same today. Roof avalanches damage property, vehicles and can be especially dangerous to people. Effective snow abatement systems now use snow hooks, logs, fences and accessories to manage the snow load on your roof. This energy-efficient insulation also serves as a protection to those who walk through the doors. If you’re snowed in – that might be a good thing.

Installing snow hooks on copper roof
“With expertise spanning traditional and modern projects, [Spengler’s] skills are as versatile as they are comprehensive. [Their] meticulous attention to detail and passion for craftsmanship have earned [them] a place on the national registry as one of the select elite.”
- Atelier Fine Metal Roofing

Standing Strong in the Harsh Weather

In the high Alps, the frigid climate tests the quality and durability of every roofing system. Spengler Industries has tried our products in that unforgiving environment and can confidently offer an unmatched roofing system proven to last, even in a blizzard. Contact us today to learn more!

Schedule a FREE 30-minute Consultation.

For a partner who can customize a snow abatement system to your specifications, please click the button below. We will gladly discuss your options with you.

Spengler Industries