Forged in 1984.
Proven since the Middle Ages.
If you’re tired of pulling out a bucket and worrying about water damage, it’s time to make a lasting change.
In the face of unpredictable weather patterns, traditional roofing materials often leak, and last for only a short time, making them less ideal for regions with consistent rainfall. Spengler Industries recognized this challenge, and, in response, became a leading manufacturer of impenetrable metal roofing, cladding, and rainscreen solutions. These specialized products possess a resilience that proves crucial, especially in areas like the East Coast, Midwest states and the Gulf Coast, where heavy, wind-driven rainfall is a recurring phenomenon.
If you live in a climate prone to immersive rainfall, you know how the air feels when charged with moisture. You watch the gathering clouds in the sky, fading from white to an ominous black. You know when a storm is on its way. What begins as a refreshing mist can immediately swirl into a deafening downpour. The sound of raindrops splattering on the ground might be comforting to some, but if your roof tends to leak in heavy rain, there is nothing peaceful about the drenched atmosphere.
For this very reason, we designed our metal roof and wall cladding systems to act as barriers, or envelopes, to a structure. When our interlocking shingles are installed properly, they are virtually impervious to water seepage because there are no exposed seams. Unlike the gap at the back of your jacket, water will never slip inside. Not only do our systems keep you dry and protected, but we also use the rain to our advantage. Our rainscreen systems stand off from the wall sheathing to create a space between the wall and the screen. This creates a drainage plane for the water and uses the moisture/air barrier for additional insulation. With more insulation, you stay warm. Our systems secure your peace of mind, even in the wettest zones on the planet. Call 801-462-5264 for a FREE, no-obligation quote.
“Einzigartige Metalldächer und Fassaden, die Geschichten erzählen”
At Spengler Industries, we manufacture revolutionary interlocking metal shingle systems. When installed correctly, water will never seep in, and you will never have to maintain or replace your roof. We confidently recommend ALL our metal systems for rainy environments. We can even provide rainscreen options to help channel the rain and use the barrier to further insulate your structure.
Which metals work best in torrential rain? It might surprise you to know that we recommend ALL types of metal. The stamina and strength of metal make it the most economical, durable choice for roofing. We manufacture and treat our products to prevent rust and deterioration. You will never have to worry about the wear and tear, even on soggy days.
Almost 30% of all homeowners insurance claims were due to water damage and freezing
Some insurances will not cover damages due to severe weather events that were left untreated.
Average claim payout $11,605
Around 14,000 people in the U.S. are affected by water damage daily.
*Source: HomeAdvisor
*Source: Insurance Information Institute
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Don’t leave yourself vulnerable to severe storm damage. At Spengler Industries, we have water proof roofing solutions tested in the harshest climates on the planet. Call today for a free quote.
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