
Restoring Purpose and Meaning in the Skilled Trades: A Call to Action

Introduction: The Power of Meaning in Our Industry

In a world where construction and craftsmanship are often seen as mere jobs, it’s essential to recognize that purpose, meaning, and gratitude are fundamental to our existence as human beings. These practices are not luxuries; they tap into our intrinsic need for connection — to ourselves, to others, and to something greater. Eric Mosley and Derek Irvine from Workhuman emphasize this sentiment in Brené Brown‘s podcast, which highlights how our profession can transform lives and communities through meaningful work. Listen to the episode here.

Infographic illustrating the significance of purpose, meaning, and gratitude in the skilled trades industry and their impact on worker pride and community values.

The Stark Contrast in Work Culture

Consider the image of a master roofer in Germany, skillfully navigating a well-designed scaffolding system, ensuring safety and precision. Now imagine a worker in the U.S., precariously balanced on a rickety ladder with minimal safety measures. This stark contrast speaks volumes about our values and priorities in the skilled trades.

What does this say about our communities? It suggests that we have normalized impermanence and continuous repairs, reinforcing a cycle of inefficiency. More alarmingly, it conveys to our workers that they are dispensable and that their safety is secondary. This narrative must change.

The Skilled Worker Crisis

We are currently facing a skilled worker crisis. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the construction industry is projected to grow by 4% from 2021 to 2031, yet we risk losing half of our skilled workforce during this same period. While trade schools are becoming more popular, they alone are not sufficient. We must inspire younger generations to see skilled trades as noble professions filled with pride and purpose.

Imagine being tasked with fixing problems destined to fail with only a caulk gun. How would that feel? Would you take pride in your work? Would you believe you uphold the standards set by the masters of old? Without opportunities to develop advanced skills and create beautiful work, how can one find meaning in their profession?

The Importance of Meaning and Purpose

Humans thrive on meaning. Cultures that recognize this are often innovative, peaceful, and economically prosperous. Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor and renowned psychiatrist, famously stated, “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” His insights into resilience and the pursuit of meaning are especially relevant to our industry today.

Friedrich Nietzsche put it succinctly: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” Recognizing the significance of meaning and purpose, we must shift the current narrative in our industry.

Investing in Our Workforce

To genuinely value and empower our workforce, we need to invest in their future. This means improving safety standards, providing better tools, and offering comprehensive training programs that go beyond the basics. We need to teach young workers the art and science of craftsmanship, instilling in them a sense of pride and accomplishment.

At Spengler Industries, we are committed to transforming the skilled trades sector by adopting successful international models with several key goals:

  1. Bridging the Skilled Labor Gap: By combining hands-on training with rigorous academic instruction, similar to systems in Germany and Switzerland, we can significantly reduce youth unemployment rates.
  2. Boosting Economic Growth: By addressing skilled labor shortages, we can reduce project delays and costs, supporting broader economic development.
  3. Enhancing Sustainability: We aim to build more durable, energy-efficient structures, significantly lowering lifecycle costs.
  4. Strengthening National Security: Building a self-reliant skilled workforce reduces dependence on foreign labor and imports.
  5. Promoting Social Stability: High-quality, well-paid jobs in skilled trades can reduce unemployment and improve social equity.
  6. Encouraging Technological Advancement: Integrating cutting-edge technology into trade education keeps our industry competitive and innovative.
  7. Elevating Our Global Reputation: By setting new standards for excellence, we can position ourselves as leaders in engineering and manufacturing.

Our Initiatives

We are launching initiatives such as a pilot dual education program, developing a tiered certification system, and fostering public-private partnerships. Our commitment to enhancing the image of skilled trades will be supported by strategic marketing to ensure these programs are scalable nationwide.

At Spengler Industries, we believe that good work is more than just completing tasks. It’s about striving for excellence, creating beauty, and ensuring sustainability. Good work strengthens communities, fosters innovation, and creates a legacy of quality and pride.

Call to Action

We invite legislators, industry partners, and educational institutions to collaborate with us in this vital endeavor. Together, we can transform our industry, elevate our standards, and create a future where skilled trades are respected and valued.

Restoring pride, meaning, and purpose in skilled trades is not just an industry imperative; it is a societal necessity. Let’s commit to this mission and inspire others to join us. The future of our trades depends on the choices we make today — let’s make them count.


As we share the accompanying infographic, let us reflect on the essential human needs of purpose, meaning, and gratitude in our work. Together, we can foster a culture that values these principles, enhancing not only our industry but also the communities we serve.

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Spengler Industries