Forged in 1984.
Proven since the Middle Ages.

Forged in 1984.
Proven since the Middle Ages.

Terne Quadro Panels and Our Catch Phrase

You know how we’re always saying, “Asphalt shingles are forbidden in Germany and if you ever do see them, you only find them on a chicken coop”? This American client one-upped the rare German asphalt shingle chicken coops with extra terne Quadro Panels from his big project. While the chicken coop is still under construction, these pampered hens will live their lives of luxury in their beautiful new home once it’s completed.

Their beautiful new roof will keep them snug and leak free for their chicks and their chicks’ chicks for virtually forever!

Terne is pure tin over stainless steel. Learn about that here:

Quadro Panels are a well-engineered system offering a clean, horizontal aesthetic so popular in contemporary architecture. Learn about Quadro Panels here:

Interested in terne or Quadro Panels for your next project?

Call us today! 801-462-5264

Spengler Industries