Forged in 1984.
Proven since the Middle Ages.

Forged in 1984.
Proven since the Middle Ages.

The Pour House

If you’re lucky enough to live in either downtown Chicago or Gaithersburg Maryland you might have encountered a new bar and grill called the Pour House. In addition to being highly rated, this chain packs a lot of architectural style. All the copper shingles on the interior and exterior of the restaurants were provided by us here at Spengler Industries.

Take a look at a video of the Gaithersburg location:

Because this is in a restaurant setting and the designers wanted to maintain a shiny finish for both the indoor and outdoor features, we finished the shingles with a clear coat.

There are more Pour House locations coming, so watch for them. Next up: Minneapolis!

Check out more images of the copper shingles on the interior and exterior of the Pour House in the gallery:

Photo credits:


Spengler Industries