
Copper Shingles on Ornamental Dome and Radius Water Feature

beverly-hills-dome-25In the posh gardens of a private residence in Beverly Hills, CA sits a very unique and beautiful structure: a copper and marble domed gazebo atop a gazing pond clad in German-engineered copper shingles and hand-carved Italian marble placed above yet another spectacular water feature.

Sound decadent? (In the best way of course.) It is! The structure was crafted with skills and engineering not often seen this side of the Atlantic. The marble ribs (yes, marble, not cast stone) were carved in a single piece! That’s impressive enough, but our solution to get the copper pieces to fit and interlock throughout the dome figuring in the marble ribs was pretty clever, too! (See our gallery to find out how we did it.)

Cladding rounded architectural features in three-dimensions in metal (and in this case copper) in a permanent and beautiful way is a specialty of ours. From the dome to the rounded-free-form water feature below, all the components interlock. This structure will last maintenance-free ostensibly forever!

We applaud D.P. Builders for their magnificent installation work and thank them for some of the pictures you’ll see in the gallery below. All rights reserved and used by kind permission.

Do you have some technically complex radiused architectural features you’d like to clad with metal? Let’s collaborate and help you show off! 801-462-5264

Office phone:  801-462-5264 

 5066 West Amelia Earhart Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84116

We are located in Salt Lake City, Utah – (West of the Salt Lake City international airport.)

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