You know how we’re always saying, “Asphalt shingles are forbidden in Germany and if you ever do see them, you only find them on a chicken coop”? This American client…
AluminumAluminum ShinglesCustom ShinglesDiamond ShinglesFeaturedMarine SolutionsProjectsSystems, Metals and Finishes
Colored Metal for Coastal Applications
by Christina
by Christina
We manufactured the hemlock green diamond shingles to finish off this tasteful, stylish home
Diamond ShinglesProjectsStainless SteelStainless Steel ShinglesSteelSteel ShinglesTerne
Beautiful terne coated stainless steel shingles on a traditional dome
by Christina
by Christina
One of our more recent projects: New library building for Union University, Jackson, Tennessee. Architects: TLM Associates, Inc. Architects and Engineers Installers: RD Herbert and Sons Diamond shingles in…
Historical RestorationStainless SteelTerne Clad Stainless SteelTitaniumZincZinc Roofing & Wall Cladding Shingles
Pure Tin Clad Stainless Versus Zinc/Tin Alloy
by Christina
by Christina
Terne Coated Stainless There is a great deal of hard science in the art of roofing and cladding. We tend to focus more on the engineering of the roofing itself,…